September 9, 2024
Student Lockers
We only have approximately 800 lockers available to our school community, so we kindly ask our students to consider their need before they request for a locker. Please note that there are lockers available to students during their Physical and Health Education (PHE) class. As such, if you are requesting a locker for gym clothes storage only, please do not request to reserve a locker as all students will have access to a locker during their PHE block. Tip: Consider choosing a locker on the floor you have most classes. Remember to look at your semester 2 course room locations as well. Please read the following information carefully If you would like to reserve a locker, please visit beginning MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9th at 7am and ending FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 13th at 7am. Please note that lockers will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. Lockers are available on each floor. Student accounts have been created for access to the system. USER ID: Your USER ID is your student number PASSWORD: Your birthdate is your password. The format of the password is YYYYMMDD (example: Birthdate of Jan 28, 2002 would be a password of 20020128)