September 1, 2016
School Fees
School fees will be collected as follows – students will have assigned time through classes:
September 20th Grade 9 and 10
September 21st Grade 11 and 12
Any students who missed paying during their assigned time can pay during Non-class time at the Pearson Office (payments will not be accepted during regular instructional hours).
STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE $30: To support extracurricular activities including athletics, clubs, band, drama and Leadership school wide events.
TEXTBOOK DEPOSIT $100: This is a one time payment which will be refunded when the student leaves NWSS with no school resources owing.
GRAD FEE $65 (Grade 12 only): Covers the grad ceremony at Queen’s Park and grad gown rental. Students will receive a mortar board & tassel and a grad class composite. (Dinner/Dance information will follow later in the year).
YEARBOOK $50 (optional): Order now for pick-up in June. There will be a very limited supply available in June – order ASAP.