News & Events

May 23, 2017

Ford Drive One Event – Dry Grad Fundraiser

The Ford Drive One event will take place on Sat, June 3rd from 11am to 3pm at NWSS (front parking lot on 8th St).


How it works:

Ask as many people as you know to come to NWSS that day to test drive a Ford. Preferably they will pre-register from the link provided: Drive4URSchool. They don’t pay anything to do this, in fact they don’t even have to drive the car, they can just sit in it. For every person that does this, we make $20 from Ford Canada (yes, its that simple).


We will have a person from Hyack Football on site. Please have your friends check in with them.


Tell them you are there to support Hyack Football and our trip to California, so we will then get credit for those funds.


Make sense? If not, feel free to ask me any questions.


Thanks and happy driving!

