Drafting and Design (Grades 9-12)
The NWSS drafting and design program is dedicated to teaching students Architectural and Mechanical Drawings using a variety of Autodesk software. Sketching is also an important skill that will be taught at various levels of competitions through Maker events. 3D Printing, CNC Milling and Vinyl Cutting will be learned. Through this knowledge, students will be able to explain their work on the computer and through scale models.
Who should take these courses? Students interested in; interior design, architecture, mechanical engineering, construction trades, industrial design, 3D printing and CNC process, and basic coding.
Courses offered at NWSS include:
Technology Education 9 #275
Technology Education 9 (TECH9) is an introduction to four disciplines. Engineering and electronic, Woodwork, Metalwork and Drafting. In this program student will build and program robots using VEX, turn and machine wood objects (box, spatula…), learn how to weld and forge and machine various metals, design using AutoCAD software and 3D print objects.
Drafting 10 (level 1) #381
This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals, standards, and skills of Computer Aided Design (CAD) Drafting. This level one course covers the following topics: House Design, Orthographic Projections, Dimensioning, Sections, multi-view, Pictorial drawings, and Working drawings through (CADD). 3D Computer Drawings, using 3D software (3D studio max). CNC (Computerized lathe and mill) processes will also be used in this course.
Drafting 11 (level 1 or 2) #481
This is a level 1 course, students who have an interest in areas that include; design, architecture, engineering, construction, real estate, computer animation, and computer use will find this course fun, interesting, and valuable. This is a level one and two course. Throughout this hands-on course, we will explore how we can communicate our unique and creative ideas through the use of computer-aided drawing (using AutoCAD, Revit and other Autodesk software) and 3-D computer animation. Architectural design will be introduced and students will have the opportunity to design a house and to create a virtual walkthrough. No previous computer experience is necessary for the successful completion of this course.
Drafting 12 (level 2 or 3) # 586
This is level 2 drafting course, you will explore; three dimensional models and animations using Autodesk software and 3D programs. Students will work on solid modeling, rendering, and importing images. Students may focus on a specific area; architecture, mechanical drafting, furniture design, modeling, animation, interior design, landscape design, etc. This course will be mainly project based. CNC (Computerized lathe and mill) processes will also be used in this course.
Drafting 12a (level 2 or 3) # 581
This is a level 3 course and is a primarily self- directed. Students will use a variety of software to complete their major projects. You will have the opportunity to enhance your AutoCAD, Revit, Inventor, Rhino, 3D-Studio Max, and Google sketch-up skills. CNC (Computerized mill) processes will also be used in this course.
Industrial Design 11 (level 2 or 3) # 484
This is a hands on course with computer use. Industrial designers study the elements of design and the design process from the conceptual stages through to the actual prototype construction on numerous items such as cell phones and sporting goods, vehicles and tools. Industrial designers work behind the scenes to determine features, appearance, materials, and the ergonomics of many products you use every day. This course provides students with opportunities to solve design problems and communicate design ideas with the aid of Autodesk software (Inventor, Revit, 3D-studio Max). Course content is centered on critical thinking, problem solving, and group-based project work. A major component of this course is an Industrial Design Competition.
Industrial Design 12 (level 2 or 3) # 584
This course builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in Industrial Design 11. Students will study design criteria related to, product designs, systems, selecting appropriate materials and components. A major component of this course is centered on the Carleton University School of Industrial Design Competition.