Home Economics Department (ADST)
The “App” for life!
Welcome to Home Economics, a field encompassing courses that help manage life. We encourage life skills, fostering transition towards healthy independence and positive citizenship in the local and global community. Our instructors are driven by detailed knowledge of their subject matter gained through tertiary study, life experience, and a love of teaching their subject matter. We cater to diverse needs, foster sustainability, and are committed to providing meaningful and relevant learning opportunities for those enrolled in our courses.
Courses offered:
Grade 9
Students can enroll in any of the Grade 10 courses.
Grade 10
Culinary Arts 10
Families and Society 10
Food Studies 10
Textiles 10
Grade 11
Culinary Arts 11
Food Studies 11
Interpersonal and Family Relationships 11
Textiles 11
Grade 12
Child Development and Caregiving 12
Culinary Arts 12
Housing and Living Environments 12
Textiles 12
The Professional Cook (Chef) Program (YTT) Level 1 is run under the instruction of Chef Johnson and can be applied to through the YTT program.
The NWSS Community Garden is also facilitated through the Home Economics Department.