Career Programs
Our Career Programs help high school students reflect on the core competencies: communication, creative and critical thinking, and personal and social responsibility and prepare for their future after secondary school, whether working, studying, or volunteering.
Career Programs provide students with the opportunity to
- develop self-advocacy skills such as interview skills and resume writing
- define the value of networking and mentorship
- develop and refine employability skills
- link course curriculum learned in high school to the world of work
- gain post-secondary credits (program specific where applicable)
- practice financial literacy skills and digital citizenship
- complete the 30 hours of career exploration for graduation requirement
New Westminster Secondary School currently offers Apprenticeship Programs and Career Education courses in Grades 10 and 12.
Apprenticeship Programs
Please visit our Apprenticeships pages.
Career Education Courses
Career-Life Education (CLE 10)
Career-Life Education supports students in becoming successful, educated citizens by helping them learn how to manage their life journey toward preferred future possibilities. It focuses on gaining a clear understanding of career-life development knowledge, skills, and strategies for life’s journey into adulthood. It includes:
- the exploration of career-life possibilities for adult life – its roles, opportunities, and community resources
- examination of ways to publicly represent ourselves both face-to-face and in digital environments
- the practising of inclusive and respectful interactions for various community and work-related contexts
- connecting and engaging with supportive community members
- researching post-graduation options and planning resources, such as labour market trends, budgeting tools, and workplace safety guidelines
CLE 10 is the start of a student’s thinking about and planning for post-secondary options. By guiding them, examining possible options, and hearing variety of speakers, or perspectives, the student is
- prepared to approach decisions about courses for Grade 11; pre-req for programs interested in post high school
- able to understand the importance of selecting a mentor to guide them;
- starts to build skills to get career experiences, ie job search, resume, interview
- learning how to discover and pursue relevant volunteer and work experiences to help shape their decisions
How Students Access the Program
All Grade 10 Students enrol in this course as part of their in-school schedule.
Career-Life Connections (CLC 12)
Career-Life Connections will enable students to develop the skills they need to become self-directed individuals who successfully set goals, make thoughtful decisions and take responsibility for pursuing their goals throughout life. Building off CLE 10, students will explore post-secondary education options, careers, health and finances. At the end of the course, students will be more aware of opportunities that are available to them. Career-Life Connections focuses on applying personal career-life management knowledge, skills, and strategies toward a personal life journey.
The Capstone is the final project for this course. It is a requirement for Career-Life Connections and for graduation. The purpose of the capstone is for students to demonstrate the knowledge, competencies, and passion(s) that they can offer the world, as they integrate personal interests and strengths with preferred future possibilities. It is a representation of the student’s learning journey and provides an opportunity to reflect and synthesize as well as showcase and celebrate.
How Students Access the Program
All Grade 12 Students enrol in this course as part of their in-school schedule.
Work Experience 12A/B
Work Experience 12 prepares students for the transition from secondary school to the world of work or further education and training. 20% of work experience course hours is devoted to in-school learning for the course. 80% of the time will consist of actual work placements in the community setting where you will be able to:
- Apply classroom learning in a context outside of school and bring back to the classroom new perspectives
- Network with employers for future jobs
- Negotiate and manage your own schedule
How Students Access the Program
Once students have applied to Work Experience, an interview with a Career Programs teacher will schedule an appointment to ensure there is an appropriate match for work placements.