News & Events

October 24, 2017

Apprenticeship Info Night!

PARENTS AND GUARDIANS (students welcome, too!): 

Invitation to learn about NWSS Apprenticeship Programs and their $1000 award during Parent/Teacher Interviews

You’ll probably already be visiting your son/daughter’s teachers on Thursday, Oct 26 for Parent-Teacher Interviews so why not visit the NWSS APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAMS table to check out what we have to offer?  Our table will be in the Massey Large Gym by the parent seating area.  Look for the signs and program flags.

Find out if apprenticeship is an option for your son or daughter.
Find out what new programs are being offered (like our BCIT Electrician Program and Skills Exploration Program)

Pick up brochures and application forms
Students can even sign up to “spend a day” in a program to see if it works for them!

Hope to see you Thursday.  Please contact one of us if you cannot attend and have questions.

Karen Crosby                                               Gary Pattern

Career Programs Coordinator                  Apprenticeship Educator                        

604 517 6245